peer review


This program gives the possibility to know key-concepts of most common programming languages.In this case will be planned for each language:• examples...


ags or users with our simple user interface.Everyone loves finding funny Vines. Now you can easily swipe through popular and trending vines or search ...

Color Code Tool

You are looking for the right color code ?This tool is for you !Use the sliders to find the right shade, or sets the code directly to see the effect o...


+++【第104 期, 2015年04月號】新上架!!+++ 催生銷售尖兵業務主管們常感到納悶,為什麼自家產品功能優異、銷售人力充足,且也已投入大筆教育訓練費用,業績還是不見起色?那是因為他們忽略了其中一個重要環節,也就是沒有用對的激勵方式來鼓舞銷售人員。然而,面對當前幾股大趨勢,像是數位行銷讓銷售...