ped egg


Ophthalmology is covered very inadequately in medical school. And during residencies, eye examination, diagnosis and treatment are given equally poor ...


The PedsDoc app connects the parents of children to specialists near their area. The app is free to the end user and provides answers to commonly aske...


PediFácil - Tenha em mãos o melhor conteúdo em pediatria clínica. Aplique de maneira prática e objetiva conceitos da pediatria fundamentais para o amb...


PEDIATRICSDigital Abstracts EditionStarting with the December 2010 issue, you can now get the abstracts of every Pediatrics article, both print and on...


Pediatri è la App ufficiale della Federazione Italiana Medici Pediatri e del corso “A scuola si cresce sicuri” patrocinato dal Ministero dell’Istruzio...