Brewer Tools
Tools for brewing At the moment it only contains a calculator for determining the real gravity of the fermented brew while correcting for the alcohol ...
Tools for brewing At the moment it only contains a calculator for determining the real gravity of the fermented brew while correcting for the alcohol ...
Bluetooth Low Energy is incredibly flexible; anyone can create a custom profile for specific applications and still adhere to the Bluetooth SIG.Blueto...
The BLE Tool is an application tool for developing Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) accessories. The BLE Tool supports the following standard BLE profiles a...
BLE Tool是為藍芽裝置開發的軟體,本軟體能在 Android 4.3 (S4,Note3,Nexus 5,New One)上使用 首先手機必須開啟藍芽功能,藍芽裝置需要與iPhone手機藍芽配對連線。 防丟功能:您可以把藍芽裝置與日常物品繫在一起,例如鑰匙,只要您的手機與藍芽裝置超過您的設定距...
Only one word: "ESSENTIAL"."Tools" is a collection of applications for daily life.Download more than 23 useful applications.The application takes up v...
耽美——殘酷的美,沉溺于美少年之戀,無法到達的終點。本合精選日本耽美漫畫,以細膩的筆風描繪唯美的愛戀,一切以美為基準的事物,讓人看了賞心悅目,讓我們一起沉醉於這男男戀 (BL~boy's love)或者女女戀(GL~girl's love)的漫畫世界,體驗美形男之間盪氣迴腸又細柔纏綿的‘愛’吧! 本...
像职业选手那样享受摩托车越野赛吧! 体验刺激的高速比赛,切身体会一下摩托车越野赛并在赛道上驰骋。 “越野狂飆 HD Lite”是曾经推出Motocross Madness, ATV Offroad Fury和 MX Unleashed等知名游戏的2XL Games的创新开发团体推荐的全新越野摩托赛游...
【下载即有机会获得专属定制孕期大礼包】 90%华人准妈妈都在使用的手机应用。宝宝树育儿网荣誉出品。 最权威的怀孕知识,最温暖的孕妈社区,最贴心的定制功能,最时尚的孕期盒子,最前沿的科技设备,祝您快乐孕期。 【最权威】百余名专家合作,每周做客“专家在线”,一对一解答用户疑问。多家三甲医院联合修订最科学...
Clearme is a unique and innovative board puzzle game, Each puzzle consists of set of blocks placed on the board, your goal is to clear all the blocks ...
⌘ Makes Ohm's Law simple! Ohmulator is a simple, yet robust, electric circuit calculator that enables you to quickly and easily find the unknown varia...