PC 遙控器
1.下載PC端程式,PC上要有.NET framework 2.0 http://tinyurl.com/remote-exe執行程式選擇藍芽串列埠COM#2.第一次在手機上配對PC的藍芽裝置3. 執行PC遙控器Youtubehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0z50fe...
1.下載PC端程式,PC上要有.NET framework 2.0 http://tinyurl.com/remote-exe執行程式選擇藍芽串列埠COM#2.第一次在手機上配對PC的藍芽裝置3. 執行PC遙控器Youtubehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0z50fe...
My website isn't working at the moment!For the time being, visit https://launchpad.net/droidpad-pc to download the computer software.DroidPad lets...
Use Your Android Phone for Controlling Your PC Games.1-Download the PC Joystick Server from :http://www.elektroarge.com/android-programlari/wifi-compu...
超级玛丽,又名采蘑菇,经典的童年游戏,重温儿时快乐,在手机上你能玩到第几关呢?是否还像儿时那么得心应手? 底层做了优化,在低配的Android手机上依然流畅运行; 和同类游戏比较,方向盘更好用,完全模拟圆盘摇杆手柄,可以在左半屏幕随意更换位置,第一次按下的位置就是你想要放置的位置; 离开游戏画面,进...
Jeff Ocasio's Mortgage Mapp is a complete toolkit of everything you need to know about your next mortgage. Complete with a full-featured mortgage ...
In times of war and devastation people throw their affairs and take up arms. Who would have thought that you have to shoot the chopper with the use of...
What have you heard about the race on police cars? Probably quite a lot. But now you have the chance to experience these feelings for yourself! You ha...
When the boss gives you orders, you can't refuse. This time you need to attack enemy tanks before they get to your area! You have not seen nothing...