

有沒有想過連 4 歲的小朋友也可以完成數獨的題目? 數獨麵包店是專為小朋友訓練腦袋思考的遊戲。可愛的麵包師傅熊需要你的幫助,將剛剛出爐的麵包根據數獨的原則排列出來:- 每一橫行的麵包圖案要不相同- 每一直行的麵包圖案要不相同- 每一方格裡的麵包圖案要不相同家長可以利用遊戲裡的隱藏工具,讓小朋友可以集...

Pie Timer

This "count-up timer" app is to serve two audience. For adults, you have your familiar timer display format. For young toddlers who don't know how...

Idiot Scanner

Amazing Idiot Scanning App!Simply photograph a person and let your Android use the latest in high tech Idiot Analyzing technology to determine how muc...

Idiot Scanner

Amazing Idiot Scanning App!Simply photograph a person and let your Android use the latest in high tech Idiot Analyzing technology to determine how muc...

Idiot Scanner

Amazing Idiot Scanning App!Simply photograph a person and let your Android use the latest in high tech Idiot Analyzing technology to determine how muc...


AllergyEats, with its established web site at, is your online and mobile guide to allergy-friendly restaurants across the United S...