parallels desktop免費下載

MindMemo Free

This is a memo application program to be able to arrange the character string on the screen by the free-style. ・The character string is single-mindedl...

Parallels Access

Parallels Access 是能夠讓您在 Android 設備上實現的遠端存取您所有 Windows 和 Mac 應用程式和檔的最快、最簡單、最可靠的方式。從存取您忘在主機電腦上的單個檔到編輯複雜的文檔,Parallels Access 能夠讓您隨時隨地通過移動設備保持高工作效率,令您高枕無憂...

Remote VR

Remote VR lets you control remotely your PC via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.Run the following Java program (Java runtime is required) on the PC:https://dl.drop...