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This is a status bar replacement which provides translucent status bar and additional notificaiton counts when used with iLauncher.TIPS- Swipe down ag...


It is an old game. Just calculate 4 numbers into 24. There are two models: zen and 60s. Zen: 20 seconds for round and it is endless if you do not die ...

the apk

We have built a mobile app focused towards our guests and to provide one stop shop for everything about The Apk. For our biggest fans, we built in som...

Droid Lines

Addicting version of the classic 1992 Russian game "Color Lines".Use strategy to remove droids by forming lines of 5 or more of the same color.Choose ...

문호 수진 결혼청첩장

- 2012년 11월 4일 일요일 12시 30분- 신랑 정문호군과 신부 박수진양의 결혼식이 있습니다.- 바쁘시더라도 참석하시어 자리를 빛내주시길바랍니다.서로가 마주보며 다져온 사랑을이제 함께 한 곳을 바라보며 걸어갈 수 있는큰 사랑으로 키우고자 합니다함께하는 사랑의 그...