panasonic dmc g3

Banda DMC

Aqui você encontra Agenda, Contato, Fotos, Músicas, Notícias, todas as novidades para os fãs da banda. Interativo,dinâmico, fácil de mexer. Veja també...


“LUMIX LINK”是能讓使用者運用智慧型手機,遠端遙控配備有無線通訊功能的LUMIX數位相機中之拍攝與播放功能,然後上傳到SNS網站的一項應用程式。 此應用程式提供下列功能。(括弧內所列為相容機型。)・可在拍攝期間看到與相機即時取景畫面上相同影像的功能 (FX90、SZ5、GH3)・將所拍攝的...


Tappysack is a simple game where your goal is to keep your hacky sack in the air by tapping it. The longer it stays up the more colorful and alive the...


Do you want to get information regarding dinning and nightlife when you are at Shanghai?Here you are. At the same time, we provide world weather infor...