os drug store

Quick OS

Quick OS android app is one incredibly simple and amazingly helpful app which helps you prepare for the subject Operating Systems on-the-go with featu...

OS Map

Turn your Android phone into a handy Ordnance Survey map, with your position pinpointed on it! * VERSION 1.2 AVAILABLE NOW!* Nearly all OS scales. * F...

Wind OS

Wind OS app is almost like the real Windows on your phone. The app will let you feel the Windows atmosphere: you will hear noise of the cooler and see...


【注意】 该款游戏需要另101M数据包,下载链接在描述最后面。 游戏需要联网! 《极限竞速:尘影 Ultimate Racing》是一款超逼真的模拟赛车游戏。准备好来挑战一次最惊险最刺激的赛车体验了吗?在这款游戏中,你将能够驾驶各式的梦幻跑车!!系紧安全带,踩下油门,听到引擎的轰鸣声了吗?这款游戏就...

