I Oracle
它是一款独特的益智问答游戏,玩家会在游戏中回答一些日常基础的问题,但是也会碰到一些是关于将来会发生的事件的。比如说:猜一下美国橄榄球超级杯大赛的冠军是谁,谁将成为下一届总统,或者是在你最喜爱的节目中谁将会被淘汰等。 《I, Oracle》游戏里只有很少的人,我们将这些人称为‘追随者’。追随者会自动接...
它是一款独特的益智问答游戏,玩家会在游戏中回答一些日常基础的问题,但是也会碰到一些是关于将来会发生的事件的。比如说:猜一下美国橄榄球超级杯大赛的冠军是谁,谁将成为下一届总统,或者是在你最喜爱的节目中谁将会被淘汰等。 《I, Oracle》游戏里只有很少的人,我们将这些人称为‘追随者’。追随者会自动接...
If you're stuck in an affair are unsure and a council looking for, then take a look into the crystal ball of the oracle.How it works :1. Start the...
Camera Timestamp snaps quick and easy photos with the time stamp and the GPS coordinates embedded on the picture.Will now wait until GPS triangulates ...
The program is designed to display the date (file date or EXIF date) on the image. Will be useful for devices that can't print date on photos.Also...
The program is designed to display the date (file date or EXIF date) on the image. Will be useful for devices that can't print date on photos.Also...
'TimeStamp' is a 'memo' application that can record your actions with time stamps. Five levels classifcation make it easier to arrange...
'TimeStamp' is a 'memo' application that can record your actions with time stamps. Five levels classifcation make it easier to arrange...
A simple note program to quickly note the start and stop of an activity without worrying about times. Written in spare time. Any similarities to other...
TimeStamp is an application that allows you to own a second of history....or more than one....!Just write down your quote a nickname and some addition...
Oracle Interview Questions provides you a wide range of questions that can be asked during a Interview. Application answers most commonly asked interv...