

**THIS APP IS FOR PROOF OF CONCEPT DEMONSTRATION ONLY**This is the sample app of IconFont-Android android libraryIconFont-Android is a modular lib pro...


PramesNet - Global Radio Network.Easy way to listen best radio network on Jawa Timur. With this app you can listen : Prameswara FM - Lamongan, Bahana ...

Cache Cleaner

1、它可以为您清除以下类型的缓存记录: * 清除浏览器缓存记录 * 清除所有的应用程序缓存 * 清除剪贴板 * 清除来电 * 清除拨出电话 * 清除未接来电 * 清除Gmail搜索缓存记录 * 清除谷歌地图搜索缓存记录 * 清除电子市场搜索缓存记录 * 清除YouTube搜索缓存记录 * 清除谷歌搜...

Cache Clear

"Cache Clear" is a fast clearing tool which can help you clean up cache and traces. After cleaning up these data, you phone system will be effectively...


PreseMT is a multitouch presentation maker.It's currently very basic, but you can:* add text and image on an infinite rotate/scalable plane* creat...