online ringtone maker

Ringtone Maker

鈴聲剪輯是非常小巧實用的一款鈴聲剪裁製作工具。可以剪切手機中存儲的音樂文件,也可以使用軟件錄音,對錄製的聲音進行剪裁,製成獨有的鈴聲。軟件支持音頻格式為MP3, WAV, AAC, AMR。軟件可將製作好的聲音文件設置為默認鈴聲或警告音提示音,也可添加給某個聯繫人當做鈴聲! 功能: 預覽鈴聲並指定給...

Ringtone Maker

This is a - must have software . Tools absolutely free of charge .Create your own UNLIMITED ringtones , alarm , or notification sound from an existing...

Ringtone Maker

Hi Thanks for inquiring about Ringtone Maker!!!Ringtone Maker is free app creates ringtone, alarms, and notifications from MP3, WAV,AAC/MP4, 3GPP/AMR ...

Ringtone Maker

Ringtone Maker HelpYou can create ringtones, alarm, notification, music files.You can edit mp3, wav, aac, amr and other audio files. When you touch th...