onedrive 移除


OneDrive(前SkyDrive)提供储存档案的位置,让您几乎可从任何装置存取您的档案。现在透过 SkyDrive for Android,您可以随时随地轻松存取和分享档案。您也可以从手机将相片或影片上传到 SkyDrive。 功能 存取您所有的 SkyDrive 内容,包括与您分享的档案。 检...


De OneDayonly app biedt een gemakkelijk alternatief voor onze populaire nieuwsbrief. Iedere ochtend worden de nieuwe dagaanbiedingen overzichtelijk ge...


DavDrive is a WebDAV server which allows the sharing of files between the mobile phone and PC via Wi-Fi.Can be used as MTP alternative and offers the ...


This application is developed in English language and localized in Macedonian language too. The application is intended for Macedonian market and abro...


! We would appreciate your informing us of bug reports, questions, comments or requests you may have. !This Android application helps beginners of pro...


This is an official app for MyVDrive members. With this app, you can easily store your files online and access them anywhere. You can instantly open y...


全球突破千万人次注册使用。 ASUS WebStorage,为您打造个人专属云端储存空间。 支援多种不同平台,无论手机或平板皆适用,替您快速整合与管理散落于各装置的档案。即使电脑不在身边,也能随时阅览所有储存於云端的文件、照片、音乐以及影片。 ASUS WebStorage带领您揭开让手持装置变身為...

Office Mobile

OfficeMobileforAndroidphones现在面向家庭免费提供。 MicrosoftOfficeMobile是针对Android手机优化的官方Office助手。您几乎可以从任何位置访问、查看和编辑您的MicrosoftWord、MicrosoftExcel和MicrosoftPower...