Office Mobile
Microsoft Office Mobile 是针对 Android 手机优化的官方 Office 助手。您几乎可以从任何位置访问、查看和编辑您的 Microsoft Word、Microsoft Excel 和 Microsoft PowerPoint 文档。由于支持图表、动画、SmartArt...
Microsoft Office Mobile 是针对 Android 手机优化的官方 Office 助手。您几乎可以从任何位置访问、查看和编辑您的 Microsoft Word、Microsoft Excel 和 Microsoft PowerPoint 文档。由于支持图表、动画、SmartArt...
Office Mobile for Android phones 现在面向家庭免费提供。 Microsoft Office Mobile 是针对 Android 手机优化的官方 Office 助手。 您几乎可以从任何位置访问、查看和编辑您的 Microsoft Word、Microsoft Exce...
OfficeMobileforAndroidphones现在面向家庭免费提供。 MicrosoftOfficeMobile是针对Android手机优化的官方Office助手。您几乎可以从任何位置访问、查看和编辑您的MicrosoftWord、MicrosoftExcel和MicrosoftPower...
MICROS OPERA Mobile is an innovative solution that brings the proven power of OPERA Enterprise Application into the emerging wireless Hospitality fron...
Android Pad and Android Phone compatible.Unlimited video by 3G and WiFi.Multichannel video encoder.Support Pant, Tilt & Zoom control.Direct stream con...
mAccounts is the first stand-alone, mobile financial accounting application for Android™ with 2-way compatibility with Tally™ to export & import both ...
Most Professionals call it: "The Perfect Tool For Showing The Plan" an incredible guide to explain Multi-Level Marketing Business. Showing the Plan ha...
MobileIrons Mobile@Work connects your Android device to your company network so that you can access email and other work resources. With just a few qu...
Easily search and find interesting content from many sources, including your mobile device and home network, and watch it on an internet connected TV ...
The ASCCP has developed a comprehensive, user friendly app for the Updated Consensus Guidelines for Managing Abnormal Cervical Cancer Screening Tests ...