

Welcome to MyCardiffMet, a mobile application for Cardiff Metropolitan University (UWIC), packed full of useful services and features, enabling studen...


扑克游戏:五百点 版本 1.0.7游戏规则:点数大小 大王 ; 小王 ; 2 ; A ; K ; Q ; J ; 10 ; 9 ; 8 ; 7 ; 6 ; 5 ; 4 ; 3 花色大小 黑桃 ; 红桃 ; 梅花 ; 方块分值 5,10,K为分牌,分值分别为5分,10分和10分出牌时可以出单张, 对子...


When you park your car, just load this App, touch your car on the map and then click the lock button. Once you need to find where you parked your car,...


Read My Card application allow users to store in the mobile phone loyalty or discount cards from favorites vendors and present them with one click. Re...


This App is linking to the OBD of your vehicle and providing real-time information you need to know for the health of your vehicle , including RPM, ba...