Contact Lenses
A simple application that shows how many days left until the end of the contact lenses period of use. You can choose separate time periods for the lef...
A simple application that shows how many days left until the end of the contact lenses period of use. You can choose separate time periods for the lef...
As most of us know, contact lenses are the best alternative to glasses. They are small, plastic shaped discs that are made to correct eyesight problem...
Now you will never forget to replace another pair of contact lenses, and will always know how many days until a replacement. The application's featur...
Program is designed for people using contact lenses. For people that forget to begin a new pair of lenses in the age of rapid information - this progr...
This is very simple application, that allows use your phone as magnifier. If your phone's camera allow zooming, you can change zoom of magnifying ...
*1.0.2 更新眼睛無法定位問題。為台灣喜愛GEO的粉絲們,量身訂作的完美APP!!! 韓國GEO彩色隱形眼鏡於2012年在台灣合法上市,至今在台已超過二百間以上的合作經銷點,推出近二十款不同款式的彩色隱形眼鏡,未來將持續與韓國同步推出最新及最流行的彩色隱形眼鏡喔~ 【產品 - 款式選擇】 GEO...
This is a contacts plugin for c:geo, an open source geocaching app. It will only work with the c:geo app installed and allows direct access to your ph...
Dans la version Grand Publique, GéoContact est une application de navigation hors ligne 100% Algérienne..contenant une cartographie mis à jour réguliè...
В отличие от встроенной камеры, приложение может замораживать картинку, но не делает снимков. Удобство использования камеры как увеличительным стеклом...
Ever wonder what look like when your spirit free itself from the body? Use Ghost Lens to have an out-of-body experience and snap STUNNING video&photo...