

A game about swimming. Hide in the shade of lilies and venture carefully into the open in search of food. Try not to get eaten. FEATURES: - swim like ...


A game about swimming. Hide in the shade of lilies and venture carefully into the open in search of food. Try not to get eaten.FEATURES:- swim like a ...

Guppies Bubble

Original Guppies Bubble Shooter game now for your Android supported device! First on Google Play!☆☆☆☆☆ "Love this game Very fun and stress relieving"☆...


Gelish® was the first brush-in-bottle gel-polish ever invented. The US and International patent-pending formulation proves that fact.The fact that mil...


Uni-Schedule was created to offer the students at Universities around Sweden a mobile-friendly format for their schedules. The app provides access to ...

Uni Kvíz

Játssz és érj el minél magasabb pontszámot! A játék egyszerű, válaszold meg mit látsz a képen. Kezdésnek kapsz 3 életet, minden rossz válasz esetén eg...


还在花费大价钱去美甲店做指甲吗?还在为千篇一律的美甲图案发愁吗?快来美甲DIY看看吧! 女生们有福了,原来美甲这么容易,在家自己学着给自己美吧! 您可以依照图片步骤,自己DIY美甲。同时还可以将喜欢的图片设置为手机壁纸,或者通过短信、邮件、微博(新浪、人人、facebook、twitter、腾讯)分...


还在花费大价钱去美甲店做指甲吗?还在为千篇一律的美甲图案发愁吗?快来美甲DIY看看吧! 女生们有福了,原来美甲这么容易,在家自己学着给自己美吧! 您可以依照图片步骤,自己DIY美甲。同时还可以将喜欢的图片设置为手机壁纸,或者通过短信、邮件、微博(新浪、人人、facebook、twitter、腾讯)分...