notify 用法


This app is a clever solution for users and developer to work with notifications.Important: NotifySC is possibly useless without having a app which ne...


如果你喜歡免費版的Bill Notify, 歡迎你購買這個無廣告付費版本的ezNotify, 除了原本的功能加強之外, 還有widget小工具可添加到手機桌面, 隨時掌握重要的事件. 還有通知加密功能, 匯出資料加密功能, 並可隱藏主畫面的週期和微調資訊, 快速搜尋上下相同提醒, 在繁忙的日常生活中...


MyNotify is an Accessibility service allowing for notifications on devices without hardware notification LEDs, or to a Pebble smartwatch.The list of a...