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NOTO is a simple tool that will allow you to create quick notes and ideas. In a meeting and need to jot down some quick notes? On the go and need to j...


Explode norts, get points!Spin your Nortule around and match the colored clumps as they fly in. Make the clumps grow large enough and receive points a...


Official New Orleans Transit Trip Planner App for AndroidEnjoy 1-click access to the bus times, also plan your way across New Orleans quickly and easi...


Noter is designed to make the process of making notes as simple and quick as possible.You can do it easily in one click with handy widget. Try it! It&...


开会,繁忙,是不是总有很多时候不方便接电话呢? 情景音乐,帮你解决这个烦恼! 开始会议之前,进入情景音乐将自己的状态设为开会,设置成功后通讯录里自己的状态将即时更新为开会, 这样朋友们就能通过情景音乐及时得知你的状态,避免打扰你的高效工作! 变更状态,避免来电铃声干扰会议! 同时,还能在通讯录中看到...