《尼克历险记》(Niko)是一款iOS移植而来的横版闯关游戏,讲述了小尼克为拯救同伴而深入险地的故事。采用伪3D的呈现方式,画面唯美,质感细腻。与同类游戏相比,本作的可视界面非常大,但并非图像小的缘故,而是因为操作图标既小又少,没有出现按钮占半屏的情况,有着非常舒服的游戏体验。 游戏的操作方式很新颖...
《尼克历险记》(Niko)是一款iOS移植而来的横版闯关游戏,讲述了小尼克为拯救同伴而深入险地的故事。采用伪3D的呈现方式,画面唯美,质感细腻。与同类游戏相比,本作的可视界面非常大,但并非图像小的缘故,而是因为操作图标既小又少,没有出现按钮占半屏的情况,有着非常舒服的游戏体验。 游戏的操作方式很新颖...
Bem-vindo a CANNONS!Neste jogo você simplesmente clica no canhão pra se atirar para o próximo canhão! Mas não ache que é fácil, se você não clicar no ...
Quiz yourself with this easy-to-use app!This app turns your phone into a simple, but powerful studying tool. You can create multiple flashcard stacks ...
一個簡單而快速的方式來捕捉精彩瞬間。這是一個原生的Android系統相機應用程序。您可以利用手機或平板電腦的所有硬件優勢,輕鬆拍出絢麗、出色的照片。主要特點:- 3種拍攝模式:攝像機,錄像機和全景- 攝像頭和視頻功能- 捏放大- 智能全景拍攝- 倒數計時器- 動態用戶界面(手機/平板)- 寬屏幕...
攝像頭的應用程序將讓你做出優秀的圖片,這是一個非常快速和簡單的方法來捕捉精彩瞬間。 您可以輕鬆拍攝出色的照片,利用手機或平板電腦的所有優勢。 產品特點: - 攝像機,錄像機和全景功能 - 白平衡設置(白熾燈,熒光燈,自動,日光,多雲) - 屏幕模式設置(動作,夜景,日落,播放) - 動態用戶界面(手...
與明亮的攝像頭,您可以創建和分享你在Facebook上簡單容易吸引人selfie 。得到通知時,朋友都喜歡和你selfie評論,看到朋友的最新照片在一個地方。明亮的相機免費的應用程序: Facebook的照片飼料, android的照片庫,先進的攝像頭selfie ,人像照片編輯器和Facebook...
End User License AgreementThis End User License Agreement (the "Agreement") relates only to your use of the "ECapture" application (the "Application")...
This mobile application was developed by ECapture Inc.ECapture is a Mobile and Web Development Company that specializes in Social Media Marketing and ...
End User License AgreementThis End User License Agreement (the "Agreement") relates only to your use of the "ECapture" application (the "Application")...
This mobile application was developed by ECapture Inc.ECapture is a Mobile and Web Development Company that specializes in Social Media Marketing and ...