Screen Off and Lock Donate
**如閣下喜愛本關屏程式或支持我的開發,請購買功能更多的捐增版。謝謝!****要移除本程式前,請先前往本程式的設定專頁,然後按「從裝置管理員內解除並移除程式」**超過二百萬名使用者及超過三十種語言支援,令關屏鎖定成為Play Store內最受歡迎的關屏應用!關屏鎖定允許使你從下列方式進行關屏:1. ...
**如閣下喜愛本關屏程式或支持我的開發,請購買功能更多的捐增版。謝謝!****要移除本程式前,請先前往本程式的設定專頁,然後按「從裝置管理員內解除並移除程式」**超過二百萬名使用者及超過三十種語言支援,令關屏鎖定成為Play Store內最受歡迎的關屏應用!關屏鎖定允許使你從下列方式進行關屏:1. ...
Use this plugin to turn on/off your screen. The screen off action also instantly activates you screen lock.The screen off & lock action can be used to...
你可以用它來鎖定您的手機屏幕上立即。所以,你可以釋放的權力 buttom,並延長它的使用壽命。請挖掘部件。屏幕關閉立即睡覺。請嘗試免費版本。請選擇一個設定的Widget。[設置方法]部件:龍自來水屏幕>> WIDGET>> [關閉][重要]初始啟動時,啟動裝置管理員? ],並會要求。[激活]請自來水...
你可以用它來鎖定您的手機屏幕上立即。所以,你可以釋放的權力 buttom,並延長它的使用壽命。請挖掘部件。屏幕關閉立即睡覺。免費試用是在widget顯示。請選擇一個設定的Widget。[設置方法]部件:龍自來水屏幕>> WIDGET>> [關閉][重要]初始啟動時,啟動裝置管理員? ],並會要求。[...
With Lock Screen Widget you can lock and switch your screen off with one tap. So you don't need to press a hardware button for it anymore.Features...
TapUnlock is an NFC-enabled lockscreen with a focus on speed, simplicity and security. It is also free and ads-less!Unlock your NFC-enabled device by ...
Lock Screen Door will help you lock or unlock your phone to prevent from unwanted checks. Features:1. A door as the theme interface of your lock scree...
Install this screen lock on android device, your phone will protected by a locked door. You should press the door handles to unlock. With opening of y...
"Only Your Lock" - Your only own lock screen(User Created Lock-Screen)> OYLCamera packageDo you still use a boring lock screen?Otherwise, do you alway...
Install a door to lock your phone!!!Are you still using the sliding lock, password lock or other common lock offered in this market? Come on! Keep up ...