new taipei免費上網申請


** **** 恭賀本程式為2012第17屆資訊應用服務創新競賽-台北生活好便利服務創新應用組 第三名的殊榮**在現代人手一隻智慧型裝置的時代網路已經變成不可或缺的一環但是並不是每個人都有3G網路吃到飽所以我們寫了這個APP熱點資料都在程式裡 可...


可快速搜尋在你附近的 Taipei free 熱點使用過一次後, 即可離線使用(第一次使用要有網路, 才能下載到資料)* 可離線使用* 資料完整, 不定期更新* 免開啟 GPS* 點擊地圖上的標籤, 會出現 路徑規劃* 依使用者目前所在位置顯示熱點* 可自訂 搜尋位置* 長按地圖可改變搜尋地點* 可...


Maybe you have problems with your Wi-Fi network at home, at work or anywhere else. Phone does not reconnect to another known network even when it has ...


WiFly – unclouded service!It is the best solution for transferring photos, songs, documents, movies and other files between computer and your mobile d...


Automatically adjust your radio settings whenever you enter/exit Airplane mode.***This app kicks off a thread that passively watches for when you ente...

Wifi Reset

Resets your WiFi on every screen unlock.If your device is slow to connect to WiFi after sleeping this app will solve the problem. It will reset the Wi...

WIFI Recover

★ NECESITA PERMISOS ROOT ★Recupera tus claves wifi olvidadas de una forma muy sencilla y sin quebraderos de cabeza. Respalda tus claves para que nunca...

Wifi Info

Just a simple wifi-widget.shows information about ip-address, mac-address, ssid,bssid, signal strength and speed of thedes network.There are different...