Ninro is an innovative game, breathing new life to the genre of platformers. In Ninro you control a lonely Ninja Robot with elastic ninja-ropes, swing...
Ninro is an innovative game, breathing new life to the genre of platformers. In Ninro you control a lonely Ninja Robot with elastic ninja-ropes, swing...
Free Mp3 Amplifier. MP3Gain helps you to boost the volume of your mp3sThe volume of your prefered song is not loud enough even with your phone's v...
UPDATE: This version is no longer supported. All devices running at least Android KitKat (4.4) should instead use
Curso preparatório para concursos Petrobras. Trabalhamos com turmas intensivas (quando edital aberto) e extensivas (fora de edital). Preparação de exc...
All the terms related to petroleum engineering with short definition, now a days the scope of this engineering is increasing day by day. Search option...
If you are looking for all the Latest News and information on Petroleum Engineering then download this FREE App to keep you in touch with everything i...
Petroleum Engineering Dictionary is an app that concentrate on the field of petroleum engineering that related to the production of hydrocarbons, whic...
*Ad Free Version*Support Independent Developers:)This app has a lot of useful tools consisting of the following. -Factor Tree You can factor up to 9 d...
My goals were to write a fast factoring App, and to provide some information about how to do factoring and primality testing.Features: 1) this App one...
This application is used to find unknown parameter among a sort of data by using linear and bilinear interpolation methods.To find an unknown value be...