This is a beta version. Use it and share your experience with us at mobileappfeedback@nsdl.co.inView your investment holdings in NSDL D-mat account.Fo...
This is a beta version. Use it and share your experience with us at mobileappfeedback@nsdl.co.inView your investment holdings in NSDL D-mat account.Fo...
◆容量最小的手机游戏助手,千万热门游戏免费玩 ◆海量资源,精品正版应用,火爆限免游戏爽不停 ◆世界杯女神热辣的私房照片看不完 万千汇聚,一搜即得!搜游戏拥有最全最好的应用、游戏资源,帮助您在海量资源中精准搜索、高速下载、轻松管理。 拥有海量免费优质安卓Android手机应用,提供极速下载,汇集最新...
Flap your wings to fly...[How to play Flappy Bird]> Tap to flap your wings to fly.> Avoid pipes.> Try to get 4 medals: Bronze, Silver, Gold (hard), Pl...
Music Player for Your Windows Phone's music library.Demo-video is available here: http://youtu.be/zg8NdvsuUXkPlay the albums, artists, songs, genres a...
This game is a model of simple percussion instrument for little musician. Just for fun!Update 1.1: Some bug fixingПростенькая модель игрушечного ксило...
An app to make approaching people a little easier to get those all important number...... Use it any where, on the train in a noisy bar or club even i...
This easy-to-use app helps you keep track of basketball shots taken in a game. You can track 2 point shots, 3 point shots and free throws. The app wil...
管理你的课程信息、课堂笔记、课后作业...根据日期的不同显示当天的课程,并由此进入课程编辑界面和一周课程安排。 在课程表设置里预先输入一周的课程表后,可随时打开应用查看当天、明天的课程还可进行课堂笔记和课后作业记录(将在下一版本推出)。不仅可以做为学校的学生的高校学习工具,可用于学车、职业培训等的课...
在windows phone上學習英語從未如此簡單。不管你是在學校中學習語言,還是打算安排一次英國/美國旅行,或者只是想學一些基本的法語交流,《學習英語》(Learn English)對於自學者都是一個最佳的選擇!它提供一種休閒和交互的方式來學習英語,它有8種學習模式提供選擇:學習清單,抽認卡,聽,...
Blocks! is an simple game were you need to gather as much points as you can within 60 seconds by swiping trough all the Blocks and create a Vertical o...