This is a beta version. Use it and share your experience with us at mobileappfeedback@nsdl.co.inView your investment holdings in NSDL D-mat account.Fo...
This is a beta version. Use it and share your experience with us at mobileappfeedback@nsdl.co.inView your investment holdings in NSDL D-mat account.Fo...
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For Passcode - Please follow the hint Question.As Asharah Mubarakah 1436H arrives, students across the world embark on a unique journey into Fatemi Le...
SOS Morse Code 摩斯電碼近年來天災人禍不斷,在無法使用網路及吶喊的情況下想對外求援就可以使用我們的SOS 摩斯電碼功能,本App預設即為 SOS 求救訊號,使用者也可自行輸入內容或者是使用我們提供的國際常用縮寫,程式則會自動幫您轉成摩斯電碼,考慮到LED可能較耗電的情況,我們還提供了螢...
本アプリがA3Togetherにおいてグローバル賞を受賞しました、ありがとうございます!※ダウンロードする前に必ず最後まで目を通してください。※災害時の緊急位置情報送信アプリです。災害時以外にも一人暮らしの方の緊急ナースコールやお子様の防犯ブザー代わり等にご利用いただけるかと思います。使用方法1. ...
Designed by Emergency Service Dispatchers, Police and ALS Paramedics to HELP you, your loved ones and your friends & colleagues.You can get HELP faste...
Pequeña utilidad para tener siempre a mano los números de teléfono de los servicios de emergencia y cuerpos de seguridad más importatnes, cuenta adema...
The Beacon Lite is the lite version of The Beacon.It's a distress beacon for smartphone. When classic SOS apps needs you to click on a button disp...
Help Me – SOS International, is a free app designed to place emergency calls (Police, Ambulance or Fire Department) in your current country location.W...
Devil Wallpapers HDSmashing collection of impressive Devil Wallpapers, handpicked and resized for your phones and tablets. This is one of the Get the ...