This is a beta version. Use it and share your experience with us at mobileappfeedback@nsdl.co.inView your investment holdings in NSDL D-mat account.Fo...
This is a beta version. Use it and share your experience with us at mobileappfeedback@nsdl.co.inView your investment holdings in NSDL D-mat account.Fo...
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VSoft's Corporation base application for CaptureCore. CaptureCore allows remote deposit to customer accounts using the iPhone or iPod Touch 4th genera...
Annoyster is the quickest and easiest way to create short random reminders for anything you don’t want to forget. Just tell Annoyster what you want to...
Do you think the coach is an idiot?Use 'Starting 11' to prove your skill as a soccer coach. Pick your favorite players, position them on the pitch and...
The 50,000 + WallPapers has More than 50,000+ high quality iPhone and iPod touch wallpapers. !!!!!!!!!! You can scroll the page vertically or horizont...
This is a unique application for children and parents alike. There is a lamb, which takes a stroll and eats in the afternoon, while at night it jumps ...
Disclaimer: This App is Not a Game. Quarter Midget Tuner was specifically designed for use by 0.25 midget novices, experts, team mechanics and handler...
A Professional Magic Application Introductory Price! There are three reasons why this App is not for everyone: 1) It's not cheap. 2) We are keeping it...
Simple Decision Helper • Easy to use! • Use for yes and no quetions • Perfect for indecisive peopleComplex Decision HelperBecause the only thing more ...