This is a beta version. Use it and share your experience with us at mobileappfeedback@nsdl.co.inView your investment holdings in NSDL D-mat account.Fo...
This is a beta version. Use it and share your experience with us at mobileappfeedback@nsdl.co.inView your investment holdings in NSDL D-mat account.Fo...
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With DVRDirectCall, you can make direct phone call from Desktop VisualizeR(1.2.7 or later) widgets or encoded shortcuts.免費玩DVRDirectCall APP玩免費免費玩DVRD...
This is a tool to measure widget size for Desktop VisualizeR Add-Ons on your launcher environment. To use this tool, Desktop VisualizeR 1.1.3 or later...
Find public ashtray near where you are.We hope you will participate in this application and share information.免費玩Public Ashtray Finder APP玩免費免費玩Public...
Desktop VisualizeR(DVR) 是應用程式,允許您通過與您最喜愛的照片或圖像創建圖示或視窗小部件個人化主畫面上顯示。 * 主要特點-帶有任何圖像圖示您選擇的圖像,您可以創建應用程式啟動的快捷方式或視窗小部件。-大圖示 通過粘貼它們在您的桌面上作為視窗小部件,您可以方便地使用大圖示。-...
“Flash News for Android”是新聞瀏覽程式,運用這一個程式,就可以使用Google的news RSS和可以顯示即時新聞的ticker在你的待機屏幕上。此外,你可以從各個類項快速搜索想要的文章,它還可以協同Twitter和郵件應用程式和分享文章的標題及網址相容的程式。v0.9.2....
From the development team behind "Ellie - Help me out...please" (over 1 million downloads!) comes this second psychological horror adventure! "You are...
The "Web Clip" provides a screen-capturing-function to save the page shown by a browser as an image.#How to use1. On Browser, open the page that is in...
『ABC朝日放送スマートフォンサイト』 放送局の豊富な情報を生かし、日々の生活に欠かせないニュース・天気予報などを毎日無料配信。スマートフォン初心者の方でも楽しめるようになっています。さらに無料動画も充実!大人気アニメ「スイートプリキュア♪」(毎週日曜 午前8:30~)や「上沼恵美子のおしゃべりクッ...