my taxi

My Fridge*

The application that manages the refrigerator.You can avoid forgetting to buy when shopping, and outdated.Along with this application "My Fridge Widge...

My Torch

Do you want to use your phone as a torch ?Do you ever find any simple light weight torch ?You are at the right place to utilize your phone as a torch....

My Accounts

This Open Source application allow you to import operation from your bank, define categories and create custom reports.The following import format are...

My tip

A smart and usefull Tip Calculator.In many countries the tip is not included in the hotel, restaurant or taxi bill. Each country has its own "custom" ...


MyHEM, application par et pour HEMistes. Le but est de mettre à la disposition des étudiants une application qui va permettre d’accéder à la fois aux ...