my other place 菜單

Place+ Free

Place+ app让你可以随时随地纪录到达的地点并分享给你的朋友, 只需轻轻一按就能立即将纪录的地点分享及打卡到脸书(Facebook),推特(Twitter),电子邮件和相簿。 支援语言: 中文,英文,法文,德文,义大利文,葡萄牙文,西班牙文,日文,韩文, 俄文 功能: 1. 地点纪录: 纪录你...

Zagreb Places

This application was developed by and is the ownership of the Zagreb Tourist Board. Zagreb Places is the number one application for finding places of ...

Google Places -Uygulamanın çalışması için internet ve gps ayarlarınızın aktif olması gerekmektedir. Uygulama çalıştırıdığında gps il...

My Places

My Places: Share any location to your friends. You can send exact location of any of your placeFeatures:✭ Pinpoint exact location.✭ Share via SMS allo...

My Places

Launching this application your current position will be determinated (either via GPS or via network info) and you can save it (for later use) or shar...

My Places

MyPlaces is a perfect application that shows one's present location, save it and share it with friends. No need to worry about getting lost in the...