my daily style

My Diary

My Diary is an easy-to-use, free app that lets you save and store your own thoughts, memories, secrets, life events, notes or other confidential infor...

My Daily Updates

My Daily Updates: A one stop destination for all your updates, Here you will get news, cricket, astrology, Bollywood news, movie reviews and lots more...

My Battery Wallpaper

我的電池牆紙是一個動態壁紙,它只有一個簡單的事情:這說明你的電池電量。為什麼要使用一個部件保持控制您的手機 /平板電腦的電池狀態下,當你可以做同樣的只是看你的壁紙呢?剛剛添加:新的“塔配置”系統:你可以達到只需用雙擊配置屏幕上自由區的壁紙特點: - 您的電池電量顯示 3種顏色(紅色,當電量低於 20...