メーターウィジェット XMeter-CCT10 Free
不必要な権限は使わず軽快な動作を優先。バッテリー残量、時計、メモリ使用率を表示できます。■バッテリー残量 0~100%の値を針と数値で表示、充電状態をランプで表示します。■時計現在時刻をアナログ時計で表示し、曜日と日付を文字で表示します。■メモリ使用率大まかなシステムメモリ使用率を針と数値で表示しま...
不必要な権限は使わず軽快な動作を優先。バッテリー残量、時計、メモリ使用率を表示できます。■バッテリー残量 0~100%の値を針と数値で表示、充電状態をランプで表示します。■時計現在時刻をアナログ時計で表示し、曜日と日付を文字で表示します。■メモリ使用率大まかなシステムメモリ使用率を針と数値で表示しま...
✪ CHECK OUT THE PRO VERSION: Automatic refreshes, AM/PM support, more supported devices and fully customizable!The most elegant and simple shortcut fo...
Clicklak is a widget application that allows you to take pictures directly from your home screen!Add it to your home screen through apps & widgets!If ...
For kids who like to collect small little cute cartoon stickers and paste them all over their bags, books, pencil-case etc, this app attempt to imitat...
Widget application for easy calling.(feature)1x1, 2x1 or 3x1 size widget including 1x1 quad mode.Use contact icon image for widget icon.Two or more co...
Biorhythm Widget shows your daily life status in three dimensions: - Intellectual - Emotional - PhysicalThis free app is ad supported and may contain ...
Download full free version, search for Notepadus Widget Free FullThis is a notepad widget and application.Free version has got only 5 pages.Buy full v...
With a single touch, disable the ringtone and other sounds on your phone, and turn them back on again when you want! For the single touch feature, mak...
Application "Mute OnOff Toggle Widget" is a simple widget (1x1) that allows you quickly to put your phone into silent mode.States of the app:Icon with...
Widgets Now is a collection of widgets inspired by Google Now themeto make your Android Jelly Bean more elegant.-IT SUPPORTS A LOT OF THEMES FROM OTHE...