ZapZap Messenger
O maior mensageiro brasileiro, agora com ZapGrupos para você fazer novas amizades!Com o ZapGrupos você reúne gente do mundo inteiro em em grupos temát...
O maior mensageiro brasileiro, agora com ZapGrupos para você fazer novas amizades!Com o ZapGrupos você reúne gente do mundo inteiro em em grupos temát...
Stay connected with your friends from wherever you are! It is easy and fast way for free messaging in Largest Russian social networking servic...
Messenger Bird develop Smartphone apps for school'sCommunication to parents. Made simple. Messenger Bird is so simple and intuitive to use.It is b...
GroupMD is a Free HIPAA-compliant replacement for text messaging enabling healthcare providers to securely message and share patient health informatio...
CD Messenger sets an entirely new standard in office productivity and workplace efficiency. You can now communicate with your office colleagues right ...
Gone in 60 seconds. That’s how long a message in Crumble lasts. The clock starts ticking after it's opened, and once everyone has seen the message, it...
Send FREE messages and SMS. No need to buy SMS plans anymore. GupShup is the only messenger app that reaches both smart- and feature-phones. Features:...
MSN聊天室用户手册: 点击菜单 - > MSN聊天,当你登录您的帐户,你可以看到载入中... 等待大约1015秒如果你是在WiFi,因为应用程序会为您的朋友清单的init 然后您可以看到您的朋友列表,单击名称,你可以看到屏幕右侧的聊天框 触摸屏幕放大或缩小,触摸到rightside,您可以与朋友聊...
Masaje tecnicas teoria y videos, curso y aprendizaje de masaje con diferentes tecnicas aplicadas en las manos y pies, piernas, espalda, brazos, cuello...
立即接觸現實生活中的朋友─免費。Messenger 就像傳送簡訊一樣,卻不必每次送出訊息都得計費(它會搭配使用你的資費方案)。不限 Facebook 朋友:傳訊息給電話簿中的朋友,而且只要輸入電話號碼,就可以新增聯絡人。群聊:針對你最常傳訊息的朋友建立群組。為它們命名、設定群組相片,並將它們集中保存...