movie chart

MYX Charts

Get the results of the 3 weekly MYX Charts on your Android and share it on Facebook and Twitter.And now, you can also vote for your favorite music vid...

Homily Chart

Homily Chart 介绍:弘历软件公司成立于中国股市和IT都方兴未艾的1998年8月8日, 投资理念及理论基础源于美国资本市场并在中国等其他国家市场完美验证;产品以技术分析为主导, 融合多种理论和思想并以趋势理论为核心, 提供教学, 软件等服务.弘历的投资理念--"先长后短, 先大后小, 做熟...

Babyclub Flip Find

● Includes free game with 6 cards ● Designed for 0-3 year-olds ● 30 cute and fun characters that will make your child laugh ● 3 levels of difficulty -...