Motorola Assist
Motorola Assist 能辨識何時不應打擾您,例如您正在睡覺或開會的時候。下班後,它只會接通重要來電。它甚至知道您什麼時候在開車,並能自動讀出新簡訊或播放音樂。當您在家中時,它可以播報來電。您可以設定動作與例外狀況,使其完全以您要的方式來運作。免費玩Motorola Assist APP玩免...
Motorola Assist 能辨識何時不應打擾您,例如您正在睡覺或開會的時候。下班後,它只會接通重要來電。它甚至知道您什麼時候在開車,並能自動讀出新簡訊或播放音樂。當您在家中時,它可以播報來電。您可以設定動作與例外狀況,使其完全以您要的方式來運作。免費玩Motorola Assist APP玩免...
歡迎使用全新的 Motorola Connect,您可以在此處將您所有的 Motorola 配件,甚至是您的個人電腦或 Mac 電腦統一連線。我們目前支援下列裝置: Moto 360 Motorola Power Pack Micro 1500 Motorola Keylink Motorola C...
Motorola 說明 (取代部分裝置上的 Moto Care) 擁有瞭解您的 Motorola 手機所需的一切資訊。檢視與您手機相關的常見問題、操作教學與提示,並在需要更多協助時直接與 Motorola 客戶服務中心的真人聯絡。向 Motorola 註冊以取得個人化的提示,並在手機遺失時保護您的手...
知識即是力量,[使用中顯示] 讓您只需一瞥,即可獲得所需資訊。此功能總會在您需要知道某些資訊時顯示這些資訊。資訊會悄然地出現在螢幕上,因此您不必喚醒手機就能查看時間或您的訊息。附註:[使用中顯示] 僅受下列機型支援:- Moto X- Droid Ultra- Droid Mini- Droid M...
Aplicativo de treinamento Motorola para vendedores.Essa nova atualização contempla:Novo Layout.Nova arquitetura das informações.Ajuste de performance....
Follow Animals is a memory game. You have to remember and follow the order shown by the simulator. When its your turn, you have to repeat all the move...
The Wine Spies curate one stellar wine each day - and we offer it to our Operatives at the best price. Unlike many other wine merchants, we procure ou...
Observe your income grow in every second real time!CashWatch is a minimalistic app that tells you how much you have earned today. It updates your earn...
Mermaid mommy will give birth soon, and this time, she is is full with excitement, tension, pay out, fatigue, joy and fun. in the period, go through v...
Sattva is the world’s first advanced meditation timer and tracker with challenges, trophies and guided meditations to inspire you to meditate everyday...