

Etherbooks is the new reading experience, connecting readers and writers around the world. Choose from Ether’s huge selection of high-quality free and...


Designed for Ethiopia this instant messaging service will let keep in touch with friends and family all over the world. Selam is also a communication ...

OTA Snatcher

OTA Snatcher is a root application for all Android devices.What does it do?This uses root access to "Snatch" a copy of your device's OTA Update .Z...


疯狂猜方言,方言是一种独特的民族文化,它传承千年,有着丰厚的文化底蕴,在我们日常以普通话为主导的社会交流环境中,方言的生存空间日渐狭窄、颓势明显,如果我们再不努力拯救,我们的后代也许就会忘掉方言,而让文化差异性和多样性承受损失 今天带给大家的疯狂猜方言,看一下大家对方言的了解有多疯狂,立即加入疯狂猜...

ES文件浏览器(文件管理器) ES File Explorer 1.5 Cupcake

一个功能强大的免费的本地和网络文件管理器和应用程序管理器。 想更好地管理你的手机和平板? 原生中文支持,全球数千万用户一致选择的最强安卓文件管理器! 点击就可以播放音乐,点击就可以播放视频, 点击就可以查看图片,点击就可以阅读文档, 点击就可以安装应用,点击就可以查看压缩, 点击就可以进行搜索,点击...