morse code apple watch

Morse Code

Morse Code translator is the best professional tool for translating text into morse code and vice-versa. The tidy interface makes it easy to use and t...

Morse Coder

A free Morse code app with a variety of features. Allows the user to create their own Morse coded messageseither manually or automatically.Features:- ...

Morse Code

Translates text into morse code and sends the message with a blinking phone in different colors and with different speeds.You can use the characters A...

Morse Coder

1 convert text to morse code, self training2 send morse sms3 convert morse sms to message4 vibrate your phone according to the morse code5 create a mo...


为你分享 澳门 Macau 生活相关资讯:美食,二手,优惠,地产,招聘.... 澳门颂(Macau Zone)是一个澳门最全面的服务分类网站,有宠物、结婚、美容、进修、设计、家居、物业、商业、音乐、亲子、汽车等多个分类,为创业者、中小企或freelancer提供一站式的网上推广平台。 Macau Z...

黑名單 - Blacklist

功能:* 黑名單跟白名單* 過濾簡訊及電話* 設定過濾無號碼顯示的來電或全部的聯絡人* 設定過濾簡訊關鍵字* 語音信箱, 接起後掛斷, 靜音, 或隨機選擇* 過濾記錄, 查看或恢復已過濾的簡訊* 密碼保護* 自動簡訊回覆* 更多其它功能!KW: 防火牆, 過濾, call blocker, filt...