mo bo 平價國民服飾


This is a simple application used for making memo.User is able to save the text as memo and the saved text will displayed in list which is clickable.A...


The Advanced Spill Protection system (ASPS) is the only spill prevention system available that provides a comprehensive solution to address the proble...


Memo helps you keep track of your life by making list-keeping simple and quick. The application is designed with simplicity and efficiency in mind. A ...

udn 買東西

United Daily News Group(聯合報系), udn shopping在台灣的「行動」世界裡買東西,你要先有「udn買東西」App。給行動族一個隨時可買東西、找東西的好東西。「udn買東西」App提供了買東西最完善、最快速的資訊,包含了流行服飾、精品名錶、鞋包飾品、NB/PC、消費電...

Beauty Maker

Every girl wants to be pretty. But sadly, an evil wizard turned beauties into ugly girls. What a truly horrible tragedy! Stop weeping and try our mira...


Play the hottest new word game in the Play Store! Given eight letters at any time, build words and earn points. The more words you make, the more fun ...


En este mes de la Madre atrévete a enviar las postales más hermosas que tendrás a disposición, en tu dispositivo. Mira selecciona y envía por correo l...




嚴選電影旨在推薦最好的影片,幫助使用者節省選片時間,同時增加影片觀賞的感動機率,感動是潛藏於內心深處的共鳴,包括喜劇在內,能夠產生共鳴,就能有所感動。至於時間是人生最有限的資源,這應該是眾所週知的。您的支持能促使我們花更多時間提升品質。選片至少需要克服五項障礙:1. 知不知片名?(值不值得觀看)2....


「天母严选」官方行动商城APP-动动指尖立即下载,打造你的时尚王国! 最受影星名模喜爱的网路原生天后级人气品牌,每月即时提供上百款的流行新品,手机浏览商品图更美又好看,当季最夯的日韩服饰24小时立即抢购不打烊。坚持全现货供应、绝对买得起的平价时尚~每月还有专属手机好康,活动推播立即通知,绝不错过!旗...