mild star 門市

G4A: Sevens

This app offers three card games which are very similar:Sevens (Fan Tan), Sevens with pass, and the Game of Nines. Although the games are simple and e...




Your smart phone isn't that smart; not every app needs a lock screen or always. Calculator, clock... and by the time you get to the camera appyou ...


Questo gioco è molto semplice ed intuitivo e ciò lo rende estremamente entusiasmante. Non vorrete mai smettere. Lo scopo del gioco è di colpire il tas...

Suono Dolce by ニッポン放送

東京・丸の内から発信するラブソングオンリーのラジオステーション「Suono Dolce」のiPhone/iPod touch向けアプリケーションです。3GまたはWi-Fi回線を通じて、Suono Dolceの放送(音声のみ)がリアルタイムにお楽しみ頂けます。当アプリの特 長としてバックグラウンド再生...