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Mobile Security Antivirus


Mobile Security

Think only you has access to your mobile and it's contents? Think that the threat of viruses, spyware, and malware won't affect your mobile phone? Thi...

Mobile Security Antivirus

內容介紹 : 慶祝百萬下載週- ESET Mobile Security  5折優惠 !  慶祝ESET手機/平板APP下載破1百萬,限時一週。 合優惠方式,只需下載應用程式,安裝完畢後請點選菜單選項(或點選右上角三點圖式),選擇授權方式並點擊購買授權,即可使用5折優惠享受高級功能。 . *此優惠...

F-Secure Lokki

F-Secure Lokki 是最精確、最省電的個人位置共用應用程式,讓您與朋友和家人聯繫在一起。最好的一點是,它保證隱私並且完全免費。Lokki 完全尊重您和朋友的隱私權,因此僅在他人允許的情況下,您才能看到他們。此外,您可以隨時決定對他人隱藏您的位置,只需按一下按鈕。隱私權保護是雙向的! Lok...


A File explorer that helps manage all your files in one place. With a good App Manager, it helps to open other apps without having to quit the app. Ad...