microstrip antenna

3G Antenna

This application displays the 3G signal strength and connection status of mobile network on status bar or home screen as widget.In some cases, NO SIGN...


MapMyTrip幫您記錄戶外活動過程的足跡、照片等內容,特別推薦在旅行時使用,用它來記錄您每一段特別的旅程路線和途中精彩的照片,供日後方便的在地圖中查看當時的路線和照片等信息。MapMyTrip功能說明:- 記錄您的移動足跡並可以隨時分享到Facebook。它利用手機的 GPS 感應器或移動網路,...


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- It's a retro-themed single-player puzzle game, much in the style of 90's era puzzle games.- Score points by arranging rows of triangular til...