11+ Vocabulary Builder Lite
There are 164 grammar schools in England most of them set Verbal Reasoning tests as part of their selection process, 50-75% of the verbal reasoning qu...
There are 164 grammar schools in England most of them set Verbal Reasoning tests as part of their selection process, 50-75% of the verbal reasoning qu...
This application comes with 5k preloaded words that one come normally across in GRE, Toefl, GMAT etc. This application is highly apt for you, if you a...
coolvocab is a vocabulary trainer, which helps (hard working) students to keep in mind their foreign vocabulary, and be ready for their examinations.c...
PONS.eu Vocabulary Trainer– the Vocabulary Trainer App that remembers the words you’ve looked up!At last you can integrate the words you’ve looked up ...
Just imagine you go out to a pub with a German-speaking friend and you want to talk about different jobs. Thanks to our six-pack "Vocab Enhancer 2", y...
Play vocabulary game on the gridTutor. The gridTutor is a unique game/learning tool where player has to match up the questions and answers in a grid b...
The Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) is a standardized test that is an admissions requirement for many graduate schools in the United States, in oth...
Merriam-Webster Medical Dictionary is a concise guide to the essential language of medicine with more than 35,000 entries.------------Dictionary Detai...
搜狗手机输入法以提升用户体验为宗旨,致力于为亿万手机用户提供手机端最智能、最易用的输入法产品。 1. 拥有40万超大词库、算法智能、响应速度快、首选率高等优秀基础品质。 2. 支持整句输入、键盘语音、全屏手写、英文候选、智能云输入、表情输入、多媒体输入等众多特色功能。 3. 超级键盘支持中文、英文、...