
Clip Mem

记录手机剪贴板中的文字并在重启后恢复。(据我所知,iPhone 内置此功能)非常简单、小巧的软件。无需图标、无需手工运行,最重要的是我们无需再羡慕别人的 iPhone!* 试一下:*1.安装此软件。2.复制/剪切一些文字。3.重启手机,试着粘贴一下!看到了吧?--------------------...


This very simple app just sends audio from the mic to the speaker, plug it into your computer or whatever using a 3.5mm male to male headphone jack an...


Microphone, useful pocket tool, This microphone app simply sends your voice out of the phone! If you have a male-to-male 3.5mm headphone jack you can ...


Caro utilizador, Como podem constatar, desde algum tempo que este serviço deixou de funcionar. Venho informar que ainda este mês a aplicação terá uma ...


Get on your mobile the funniest memes for Whatsapp, Facebook, line etc. ... Edit them and creates disincentives, thanks to this totally free app. Down...