memo pad 10 me301t

Smart Memo

SmartMemo is a tab-style memo pad.SmartMemo can read/write text files in SD card and 5 memos in this app. You can quickly switch files to edit, by tap...


방금 전에 통화했는데도 끊고 통화내용 까먹은 경험 있으시죠??스마트콜메모가 여러분 대신하여 기억해드립니다.통화 후 바로 메모가 가능하며, 통화기록에서 선택하여 메모하여 편리하게 기억해 둘 수 있습니다.저장된 메모는 해당 번호에게 다음번 전화가 올때, 전화 받기 전 메모...

Draw Memo

It is possible to take notes of the idea in the place.A memo is saved in JPEG, can be found in the listJPEG files are available to share.When it does ...

Memo Quiz

How good is your memory? How many detais can you remember in a short period of time? You will see three short words - are you really sure you can reme...

Cyrus Memo

Cyrus Memo for taking notes and memo. Support picture and photo from camera. Support palm detection. This application only run on Cyrus devices. Added...

Geo Memo

GeoMemo allows you to save memos and to be reminded according to your geographical positionFor instance, if you must not forget to buy something when ...