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“El fútbol desde otro punto de vista”. Ese es el punto de partida de una revista que desde el 2005 está presente en los principales estadios de Primer...


*** New Widget & History views for CouchPotato & Sickbeard Added ******MediaDog interfaces with SickBeard, CouchPotato, Headphones & SABnzbd to give y...


Mediaura is one of the nation’s premier interactive agencies. We have developed numerous custom applications and websites over the years for clients s...


Test and refresh your knowledge on all things medical with this fun and intuitive medical quiz app. Whether you are a student or professional Paramedi...


MediRevu is a health management app that gives daily reminders to patients so they can manage their conditions and track their progress towards health...


MediaPix is an interactive Mediabook Reader App. The App comes in a stunning design with refreshing interface that enables mediabook download capabili...

Soccer 12th

Soccer 12th,專為球迷而設的app。「12」代表球場的第十二人,即球迷。瀏覽此app,球迷可獲得最快、報道精闢的足球新聞、足球故事外,更可以考考自己的眼光,在精選的賽事中說出自己的睇法,順道為愛隊打氣,成為最佳的第十二人。內容包括:1. 球迷熱話專門搜羅最新的足球故事,八盡各地球壇消息,做...