media now 8th edition

為香港人度身訂造的視像娛樂站,我們與不同的娛樂機構合作,提供迎合港人口味的多元化節目,並提供「HQ」及「SD」兩種版本的串流畫質,加上介面清楚易用,用戶睇片更「就手」! 會員請下載「」app,盡情享受睇片樂趣! 劇集:提供雙語選擇的日、韓、台等海外劇集 ...


Drinking enough water each day can be a challenge, but it's critical to a properly functioning body. Adequate water intake prevents dehydration, c...

Water Wars

Water Wars s a strategic turn-based game where your goal is to destroy your opponent's ships before they can destroy yours.You can play this classic g...