
McAfee Security

迈克菲手机杀毒 v4.1.0.543 McAfee Mobile Security 为您 Android 设备提供全面的安全保护。使用 McAfee 屡获殊荣的防病毒、隐私和安全保护软件保护您的 Android 手机或平板电脑。 此免费试用版可为您和您的设备提供 14 天的保护。试用后,您可以在该应...


This is the official mobile phone application by Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA), to provide you with the latest first-hand information on MCA’s n...

Hello Cool

HelloCool application (Application made using App Inventor which graphical block diagrams, no code)-Click to display message-Cool World blog picture-B...

Item Run

Item Run application (Application made using App Inventor which graphical block diagrams)-See the item chase and bump into each other.-Sprite on scree...


Seekangoo's mobile app offers the chance to easily discover all the available events in a specific area (both with geolocalization or location sea...


WaterTech – the premier water technology transfer event for environmental professionals. WaterTech is highly recommended for all industry sectors that...