App for medlemmer av Maxi Storsenter Kundeklubb. Applikasjonen gir deg: - Innmelding i kundeklubben - Digitalt medlemskort - Tilbud og medlemsfordeler...
Tavla, 2 oyuncu tarafından oynanan geleneksel bir masa oyunudur.Tavla oynamanın en eğlenceli hali, tüm dünyayla oynayabilmektir.Maxi Tavla ile tavlanı...
Maxis的奖励 - 折扣,储蓄,价格销 - 生活充满了回报!因此,保持最新的最新和最伟大的。特殊服务,特权,折扣券及更多 - 独家Maxis的用户。 在Maxis公司,我们相信要感谢你的最好的办法是奖励你的继续支持。而且有这么多新的奖励进来飘飞,我们已经创建了一个应用程序,以帮助你留在一切之上。只...
Submit motor claims from the place of your convenience. Purchase instant travel insurance to meet your travel schedule. And much more to meet your ins...
Stay connected when you travelA traveler's companion for sure – the latest Maxis Roam app automatically detects your location when you're trav...
A streamlined version of the DORIS marine mapping tool for researchers.免費玩Doris Evolved APP玩免費免費玩Doris Evolved AppDoris Evolved APP LOGODoris Evolved ...
Mit DoRIS mobile bietet viadonau umfassende Informationen für die Binnenschifffahrt in Österreich. Die aus dem System DoRIS (Donau River Information S...
《Pebble》是官方出品的安卓手机端手表管理软件。首先通过蓝牙连接Pebble,然后手机接收的信息和电话等将以振动的形式通知给你,通过这款软件,你还可以自定义手表的显示界面、安装扩展应用和更多个性化设置,让这个简约又不失时尚的产品轻松融入日常生活。免費玩Pebble APP玩免費免費玩Pebble...
This is the official Pebble smartwatch app. Works on both the original Pebble and Pebble Steel.The Pebble smart watch connects to your Android phone a...