make you believe yam

What Color

Simply point the camera at an object to see what color it is. Great if you are color blind and fun to play with even if you are not!Snap a picture (or...


--------------------------------------v10.00.18- 새로운 초대박 썰 37개 추가.- 시리즈 썰이 액자구성이라 여러번 읽으시면 이해가 빡! 갑니다.- 슬슬 썰이 많아서 좀 오래된 스마트폰에서는 간혹 메모리때문에 에러가 날 수 있습니다...

Make Juice

*** description *** You open a juice shop. Let's make juice for customers. Let's try it. *** how to play *** 1. confirm the order. 2. make jui...

Make Hole

Make Hole and do your best Score, share it with your friends and enjoy the fun!Contact us: wh.italiangames@gmail.comKeywords: Make , Hole , Italian , ...

What RGB

Simple app to check RGB values of an image. Just touch the image to get RGB values of that point. You can also pinch zoom to re-size the image.Now dis...

Make Bigger

This app does not make the text size to be BIG in all Android apps. What this app does is to make the icon and label that is supposed to launch app to...