I'm aware this app crashes on android 4.3. A new version is being developed currently.This is the PRO version.***Note to all users, this app DOES ...
I'm aware this app crashes on android 4.3. A new version is being developed currently.This is the PRO version.***Note to all users, this app DOES ...
Temp+CPU PRO widget能够在桌面显示cpu速度、cpu负载、cpu温度、ram状态等:功能: - 在通知栏显示统计值 - 网络接收/发送速度(KB / S) - 可变化的更新时间 - 温度显示C或F - 可更换文字的颜色和图标。 - 选择任意4种统计: CPU频率 CPU% CPU复...
Cpu Gauge Pro is a real-time, cpu and battery usage monitoring application and widget for Droid. Whether you like the cool looking graphics or need cp...
I'm aware this app crashes on android 4.3. A new version is being developed currently.This is a widget1.6-2.2*3.6 fixed blank widget bug(caused by...
Приложение позволяет эффективно подготовиться к сдаче теоретического экзамена на право вождения в ГИБДД. В приложении билеты разбиты по номерам, что п...
دع طفلك يستمتع بتركيب الحيوانات ويتعلم أسمائها ميزات اللعبة:- يتعلم الطفل تركيب القطع وتكوين صور- يتعلم الطفل أسماء الحيواناتيتعلم الطفل اصوات الحيوان...
All stations working fine.For every complaint contact us.Channel list:ABC JazzTriple J - 105.7 SydneyDouble J106.3 The LoungeClassic Hits WSFM 101.770...
Are you the first in your family to attend college? CollegeGo guides you through the essential steps to take in order to find, apply to and attend the...
亮度,使用簡單,快速。其中最優雅和功能的手電筒!最終的照明工具,免費的。手電筒將您的設備變成一個明亮的光瞬間。手電筒充分利用了LED燈。開啟/關閉燈光就像使用一個真正的手電筒。- 產品特點 - - 定時關機功能。- SOS信號。- 報警信號模式- 閃爍模式。- 令人驚嘆的圖形。- 七彩霓虹燈。免費玩...