Air Keyboard
Air Keyboard allows you to use your phone or tablet as a wireless keyboard and touch pad for your PC, Mac or Android. This helpful app allows you to: ...
Air Keyboard allows you to use your phone or tablet as a wireless keyboard and touch pad for your PC, Mac or Android. This helpful app allows you to: ...
"Worked Time Pro" is the professional version of "Worked Time", which is a productivity tool to allow you to control your daily time worked and your o...
The Most Popular Zawgyi Keyboard on Android is back!!! And it's FREE!!!Frozen Keyboard Pro is a simple Zawgyi layout keyboard for Android. It is an up...
Smart?Keyboard?Pro(智能键盘专业版)是一款支持字词联想,自带多款皮肤,支持在标准?全键盘?/?T9键盘?/?紧凑键盘间切换,可线上下载多国词库,功能相当强大。 软件功能: -自帶多國語言,可隨意選擇、切換。 -可進入Android?市場下載詞庫(字詞聯想功能需下載詞庫才能使用,帖子...
一款将“成为安卓平台最好的键盘”定为目标的超级键盘!呵呵~是不是有点儿卖瓜之嫌? 开发者这么说,产品也有很强的竞争力,能不能成为最好,一言难定,需要用户的体验与评定! 就过来人而言,该键盘支持全语言输入法,同样支持中文输入!! 支持几乎所有语言,功能相当强大,支持换肤,随时切换语言,字典调用等,评价...
按键救星(Button Savior)是一款虚拟手机功能键的桌面插件,可以代替home键、功能键、返回键、搜索键,支持插件手动或自动隐藏,需要root权限和开启usb调试模式。担心实体按键使用寿命的用户推荐使用。 支持长按HOME键调出最近使用的程序; 支持调整触发图标的位置; 支持长按触发图标调出...
* The most customizable swipe keyboard in the world.* The most featured keyboard in the world.* The 1st window mode keyboard in the world.***** NOW SU...
=Compatible with Android 4.1 Jelly Bean=Super Keyboard is a better alternative keyboard for your android phones and tablets! We are dedicated in makin...
Sweet Keyboard PRO is designed for those who want to type as fast as they want! This is one of the most customizable keyboard apps in the Market so fa...
This is one of a kind bluetooth app that help you to listen music via Bluetooth headset. It uses a feature to listen audio through Bluetooth. It is ve...