mac pro 2013

I.O.Who Pro

I.O.Who? is a tabsplitter-type application. It helps you divide any expenses you've had evenly on every participant in a group, taking in to accou...


MALO PRO is the MyAnimeList client for Android.The PRO version focuses on removing intrusive items such as ads.Check for more info...

MahJah Pro

麻將紙牌像匹配的3D遊戲的時間殺手。 Pro版本提供了新的遊戲模式,再加上廣告的免費。查找匹配的立方體。你更快找到匹配 - 你賺更多的分數。控制選擇一個立方體:短按立方體。相機旋轉:用一個手指輕掃。相機變焦:捏來放大和傳播放大。評分1000點為每找到匹配立方體。時間紅利得分:如果匹配的立方體被發現在...

像素小画家 IsoPix Pro [中文]

像素小画家IsoPix Pro是专为创作像素画 (Pixel Art) 而设的绘画工具。特点:- 直观的双指缩放及移动操作 (双指同时拖曳或收捏;单指缩放及移动键可在设定中加入)- 简易的图像选取、复制及贴上功能 (可旋转或翻转后再贴上)- 俱有方便制作斜角仿立体 (isometric) 像素画的工...

GeomatryX Pro

With this app you can calculate almost all common geometric figures.With GeomatryX you can calculate the surface and perimeter of surfaces as well as ...