mac pro 15


One stop solutions for all by IRCTC. IRCTC Pro is the application designed to facilitate the users one stop solutions of all the services of Indian Ra...

PocketBand Pro

Pro extra features: • Sampler device. Record or import from your music library, sdcard, dropbox, etc. • 150 extra synth instruments • 40 extra drumset...

像素小画家 IsoPix Pro [中文]

像素小画家IsoPix Pro是专为创作像素画 (Pixel Art) 而设的绘画工具。特点:- 直观的双指缩放及移动操作 (双指同时拖曳或收捏;单指缩放及移动键可在设定中加入)- 简易的图像选取、复制及贴上功能 (可旋转或翻转后再贴上)- 俱有方便制作斜角仿立体 (isometric) 像素画的工...

CarSnap It

CarSnap makes car buying and selling a snap. Sellers: CarSnap is the fastest way to upload a car in under 60 seconds. Prices are automatically generat...


SeatCaster connects fans who are at a sports game with fans who aren’t through live streaming video. Sports fans can follow their favorite teams and g...