MAC (Make A Commit) App is designed to let a person (or group) makes a public commitment (to family member, friends, colleagues, business associates, ...
MAC (Make A Commit) App is designed to let a person (or group) makes a public commitment (to family member, friends, colleagues, business associates, ...
OfficeIn是一款公司白领的匿名交流圈。在OfficeIn中,大家可以匿名交流公司八卦、发展动向等。 你可以在OfficeIn干什么: 1.在自己的公司圈匿名交流,人数需要达到3人以上才能够开放 2.查看其他公司的八卦事件和最新爆料 3.在江湖杂谈中求证信息和针对某一事件与不同公司的人进行交流 ...
Office 2007: The Missing Manual, published by O'Reilly Media Buy this DRM-free ebook today! Powered by Aldiko.Quickly learn the most useful featur...
Office World App – schnell und einfach zum richtigen Büroequipement! Office World, der grösste Anbieter von Bürobedarf im Schweizer Markt, bietet Priv...
This app is ideal for helping you exercise in small spaces were you have limited or no equipment. Whether you are at your office during your lunch bre...
Features:• Easily track your time for a better life.• Access, Print or Share your own report!• Compare your working time with your friends. • Interact...
Office World App – schnell und einfach zum richtigen Büroequipement!Office World, der grösste Anbieter von Bürobedarf im Schweizer Markt, bietet Priva...
When this app turned on, this app will emerge on the status bar (Notification bar) and you can use this app to write memos such as your "To do list" w...
Open Bedrijvendag is het grootste eendagsevenement van België en vindt in 2014 plaats op zondag 5 oktober van 10u tot 17u. Honderden bedrijven openen ...
Open Adoption is a free app that gives you information about adoption, answers common questions about how adoption works, and lets you search for fami...